A strong base for horoscope is made up of-Sun, Moon and Ascendant. They said to be the pillars of horoscope. If all three are strong, that’s the biggest boon to an individual.
First is Sun- it shows our soul. Soul is taking all these births and rebirths. House and sign where sun is present is going to be a focal point of our horoscope.
It is vitality in our physical body. And also signifies our father. Sun is our status. If we are doing a job, it shows our boss. It is our government and also head of government, people in authority.
Sun is life force. Without sun nothing can survive. It gives us a rhythm in life with its days and nights, plants create food with its light, it gives #rain, and also when he goes away ice solidifies, which he again made into water so that we can have #streams and #waterfalls and rivers.
That’s why Sun is worshipped in our culture. In recent years when our country was under the rule of invaders, worshipping sun was a main thing they made fun of. As in India most of us offers water to rising sun after taking a bath. Now science has proved that rising sun is good for us in so many different ways. It is good for eyes; it is good for our happiness level. People who can’t see sun, or who has a house where no sunlight came, become depressed.
No one can ignore a person with strong sun. Sign owned by sun is leo- A lion. If sun is in leo or in aries, where it became exalted, person becomes like a king. In Sagittarius, person become more ethical, spiritual. In cancer although it is a water sign, sun is good, as cancer is also a royal sign.
Sun is a firey planet, it can give some aggression, whenever sun is in leo and in 4th house it can give much needed boost to spiritual life. As in 4th house we see emotions of a person, his family life, his sentiments, so when leo is here person becomes more contained in him/herself. Sun is a fiery planet so emotions are more focused on his own self. A can achieve much in life when emotionally he/she is not #embroiled in difficult relations, or not dependent on other people for emotional support.
People with strong sun got a big plus from #Prarbdha.
Moon is second #pivot of our life/horoscope. Second most important planet in our horoscope. All these life after life is only happening because of moon. It is our mind, our desires. All the Vasnas of thousands of years are within this moon or we can say because of moon. We see a chocolate and want to eat it/ we see a dress and want it/ we see a beautiful person and want to be beautiful like him/her, we want to be rich/ powerful/beautiful/famous, we want, want, and want. All this wanting is called vasnas/desires. And when we die only this human body dies, but moon with all these millions of our condensed vasnas came to us in our next birth. That’s why in Sanatan dharma there is a greater emphasis on removing mind from this Maya/world. That is the whole base of meditational practices, detaching our mind from outward samsara/world.
Moon also signifies our mother, our emotions, our attachments, our motherly instincts. It became strong in 4th house, a place in our horoscope that shows our home, our family life.
4th house is also a house of masses, so moon also shows popularity.
It becomes exalted in Taurus-- sign in 2nd house of Kaalpurush chart, it shows our extended family, our wealth, jewels and our basic samskaras we have learned from our immediate family. Because when moon is in second house it makes us connected to our family /extended family (kutumba), without an ego, it also shows wealth. Taurus is also a fixed sign so it gives some much-needed fixity to moon, who will otherwise show a very impressionable personality. Whenever moon is much afflicted or weak it makes a person gullible/ people who thronged pseudo gurus (haven’t you seen those ads of Bengali babas ;-) people who always try to find black magic done by someone else in even slightly bad situation or try to do these kinds of things.
Strength of moon is of utmost important. Have you seen all those books: Atomic Habits, Power of Subconscious Mind, Power of Saying No, etc.? They are nothing but an attempt of making our minds strong.
From time immemorial we have a vast number of Shiva Temples in Bharat varsha. In every nook and corner, you can find a Shiva temple.
Worshipping Shiva makes our Moon strong, gives us detachment we sorely needed, reduces bad effect of every planet, reduces our bad Karmas and acts as an anchor in our unpleasant times.
Best thing is we don’t need any money to worship Him, or time to do elaborate Pujas. He can be satisfied with one glass of water only. If you can’t do anything, go and pour only some water it on Shivlinga.
Third is Our Ascendant/Lagna.
Whereas sun represents a part of our being that can never perish/die- our soul.
Moon shows cause of our being in this particular life. Or we can say he is the cause of our personality with these specific qualities and weaknesses; ascendant is this body- we call it a causal body in Sanatan dharma. We use our Prarbdha/past Karmas with this body and create new Karmas.
All of the planets are important but these three are most important because they are the cause and effect of this life, we are going to live.