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Prem Di


Updated: Oct 5, 2024


#Moon is not even a planet;

It is a #satellite of earth.

 It isn’t even #constant in its shape; It wanes and waxes constantly, totally fade away one day, become full on another day.

 It doesn’t even have its own light; it only reflects sun’s light.

Then why is it so important in astrology?

It represents our mind.

Because it is fastest among planets, it also shows mood swings, #fluctuating thoughts.

And most importantly Moon is one planet that gives us power to #love another person more than we love can ever love ourself.

Moon gives a mother selfless love that knows no boundaries, has no expectations.

Moon can make us #empathic. it can make us #psychic.

It can give us habit of #back-#biting, gossiping.

moon can make us #cheat. It can also give us #thieving #tendencies.

Moon is equally capable of making us a #spiritual person.

All qualities or weaknesses of moon are shown through stories in our Vedic culture.

Moon is called queen in planetary cabinet.

 It has no enmity towards anyone.

It gives power to medicinal herbs.

Moon came out of churning of sea along with Goddess Luxmi and is called Her brother.

Got married to 27 daughters of Prajapati, these daughters were 27nakshtras, constellations on zodiac- the apparent path of sun and planets.

 Moon shows less affection to some of his wives, and goes more frequently to Rohini, one of the stars in Taurus.  All the other wives complained to their father, who then cursed him to lose his power as each day passes.

He then worshipped Lord Shiva, who blessed him. Moon also got a place on Shiva’s forehead. 


 It had an extramarital affair with Jupiter's wife, and kidnapped her, sired an illicit child, mercury.


Moon is our emotions. Moon is our mind- an instrument according to Vedic literature that is responsible for all our longings, desires and cravings.

Moon gives us clinging emotions, moon can make us anxious, and it can also give us detachment.

Sanatan Dharma says,” the day we learn how to #control our #mind, #moon becomes our #greatest #friend”.

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